Brexit and Coronavirus – How we’re affected


The start of this year has been unlike any other in my business career. It began with us leaving the European Union and after just one day back at work we found ourselves in another nationwide lockdown.

I thought it best to write to our customers to keep them up to date with how Acrospire are affected by current events.

As of yesterday, we’ve moved our office based staff to a bubble based shift system. We’ve removed any contact from our office staff to our manufacturing and warehousing team. This removes any risk of transmission within the business and should ensure that we’re able to continue with production as normal.

We’re fortunate to inhabit a large manufacturing facitlity. This allows our production team to easily remains socially distanced from one another.

We spent the second half of last year building up our stocks of lanterns and component parts in preperation for Brexit. We’re confident that this stockpile will see us through any disruption that the next few months brings. Of course, we’ll continue to update all of our customers with any changes to this situation.

Whilst the start of this year might be extremely challenging, I’m confident that there are better days ahead. With Covid vaccines now being approved it does seem like there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Until life returns to normal, we’ll continue to do our upmost to deliver the same levels of quality in both our products and levels of service.

Thank you all for your continued business and support.


Tim Barker

Managing Director





Units 4 & 5
Bear Court
Roentgen Road
RG24 8QT

01256 308467

©2020 Acrospire