Two minutes with Kevin Grigg

You may have seen our announcement at the start of the month, Kevin Grigg has joined the Acrospire family. 

We are so pleased and welcome his 30 years of lighting experience, not to mention his success as Past President of the ILP.

We thought his proven dedication and drive for quality fit our company ethos perfectly and are looking forward to seeing the results. No pressure Kevin. But in the meantime, we thought we should get to know him a little better, find out why he moved to Acrospire, and what has impressed him so far (we hope lots).

Kevin Grigg, Sales Director Acrospire

Let’s get straight in; why did you join us?

“From its launch in 2013, I have admired the Acrospire brand from afar and have been intrigued to watch its progress. Once I visited the factory – my decision was made. It’s great to see a proper British manufacturer (who are gaining an enviable reputation) for its quality service and products, which are manufactured to a very high standard.

I also knew Tim from a previous employment, so I was already aware of his professionalism. Tim’s determination to make the company the best he can appealed and made me eager to help in taking the business to the next level”.

Name three things you have learned about us since coming on board:

“Acrospire offers quality products at a competitive cost that the consumer can afford. With the assurance the product will comply with all the relevant standards within the industry (topped off with a market-leading warranty)”.

We’re biased as we love what we do; let us know what has impressed you most so far?

“I love that the team, at every point of the customer process/journey with us, is focused on one thing and one thing alone – our customers’ success.

As a young brand Acrospire has retained its start-up mentality, which means they have the flexibility and dynamism to move and act quickly. As a result, standard products are easily adaptable to offer bespoke solutions – not many of your existing specifiers are aware of this!

There are exciting times ahead, with new products on the horizon (I’ve been sworn to secrecy but can’t wait to share more on this). 

I am looking forward to my future at Acrospire. It’s refreshing to have the support, trust, and respect from the team here while I focus on challenging perceptions (we’re so much more than just heritage and solar). I look forward to delivering upon ambitious growth plans”.





Units 4 & 5
Bear Court
Roentgen Road
RG24 8QT

01256 308467

©2020 Acrospire